Radiant Kids

Hello Parents

Life can be busy, especially when you have children who are growing up fast. At Radiant Kids, we want to collaborate with you to make the most of your child’s early years and assist them in constructing a firm faith foundation. Our Radiant Kids lessons are designed to aid your child in learning to adore Jesus, respect others, try their best, and enjoy themselves every Sunday at Radiant Church.

Encouraging kids to become fully-devoted followers of Christ!

In Radiant Kids, it is our goal to be fun-experts who point kids to Jesus. We create safe, relational,
and Jesus-centered experiences for your children to learn about God on a level they can understand.

Babies (6 mo – 2 yrs)

We create a clean, safe and nurturing environment where your baby will begin to discover who God is through the love and prayer from our volunteers. We use a curriculum designed just for them.

Preschool (2 yrs – Kinder)

This is a place where your preschooler can begin to build friendships, have fun, and learn about Jesus’ love for them through our creative lessons, games, songs and hands-on activities.

Elementary (1st – 5th)

Radiant Kids is the best place for your elementary aged child to build a biblical foundation for their life through Bible lessons, interactive games, engaging worship songs and new friends. We will partner with you in teaching your child to walk their own spiritual journey.


Frequently Asked Questions
We know you have a lot of questions when deciding to visit a new church. We have compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions, but if you have any other questions, please give us a call.
What will my child learn in Radiant Kids?

The Bible is the most amazing book ever written, and we strive to bring its stories to life through creative activities and discussions that keep kids engaged. We want every child to love God’s Word and understand the value of applying it to their lives. We know they’ll have fun each week as they learn about who God is through games, activities, and video teaching.

How do I register my kids?

For kids from babies to elementary age, just come to the Radiant Kids Check-In area when you arrive on a Sunday. Someone will be there to help and to walk you to your child’s class.

What if you need to get in touch with me during the service?

For all first-time kids, we ask for a parent cell phone at check-in. We will text you during the service if there is any concern about your child. If your child has a difficult time at drop-off, we can also text you a photo of them having a great time once they settle in if you like.

Will my child make friends at Radiant Kids?

Absolutely! Our room environments and lessons are designed to help your child grow with kids in the same age group. We’re passionate about supporting them in each stage of life, so we provide Radiant Kids options from birth-5th grade during all of our Sunday experiences.

When you commit to attending the same service each week, your child will be surrounded by a small group full of familiar faces. As kids build relationships with leaders and other children, they gain the support and confidence to grow in their faith.

What about safety?

We take security and safety seriously at Radiant Church. Radiant Kids volunteers are background checked, and a matching tag system is used to drop off and pick up children. We also have security in the building during services, and medical professionals on-call.

Partnering with Parents

We believe the best way we can help your kids develop a strong spiritual foundation is by partnering with you. Together, we can help encourage, train, and pray for them as they grow in their faith.

Here are some practical ways we can partner up to make this goal a reality:

1. Show Up to church as often as you can.  This helps your kids build relationships with their teachers and other kids their age.

2. Join a Connect Group with other parents.

3. Use these questions to follow up on what your child learned at Radiant Kids.

4. Pray for your children each week as they come to church, and pray for our teams as they serve and care for your kids.